Also, if you are entering the honey jar contest, please use a bottle with a plastic, not metal, lid. This adds consistency between the honey contestants.
Preparing for the honey judging contest:
*All club members are eligible to rent a honey extractor. Go to the website and look for the extractor form, which has all the information.
Honey Judging
*There will be two classes of judging, black bag and honey jar.
Black Bag
*Put your honey in any glass jar and bring it to the meeting. It will be placed in a black bag and will be judged solely on taste. If you harvested honey at all, this is an easy, fun way to participate. The judges will give you feedback on the quality of the flavor of your honey.
Honey Jar
*Honey will be classified as dark, medium or light color. Each color will be judged separately. You may bring one, two or all three colors.
*The honey must be in a glass, standard honey jar. They can be purchased at Dadant or on line. Either 8 or 16 oz is fine.
*Pour the honey into the jar at least a couple days ahead so that any little bubbles can escape. Pour the honey so it comes to the bottom of the lid so there is no gap when you look at the jar with the lid on.
*For judging, the lid should not have honey on the inside. You can prevent honey from touching it by using plastic wrap under the lid, then removing the wrap before submitting the jar for judging. Or you can travel to the meeting with one lid, then swap a clean lid on before submitting your jar for judging.
*The jar should be absolutely clean with no fingerprints or smudges
*The honey will be judged on clarity, the cleanliness of the jar and, finally, on taste.
Wax Candle Judging
*Bring any candle you have made. It will be judged on the cleanliness of the wax (no bits or pieces stuck in it), the aroma and how straight the wick sits in the candle.
Our club is fortunate to have two qualified Welsh honey judges, Cecelia Young and Keith Walker. We will all submit our entries and they will do their judging while we have a presenter. It really is toooo much fun to see the differences in the honey we all bring in. I’ll bring some bread and/or toothpicks and those who wish can allow tasting of the honey they bring in.