Category Archives: Home

Hello, Everyone! The end-of-year meeting for the Gainesville Area Bee Club is this Thursday, December 3rd, from 7:00-9:00. The final meeting of the year is a potluck (sign up sheet is here: We’ll briefly discuss the state of the club (especially officers) then spend the rest of the evening enjoying

Next Meeting — Thursday, May 7th!

Hello, GABC Members and Friends! Our next meeting is this Thursday, May 7th. Tomas Bustamante, a graduate student in Dr. Jamie Ellis’s lab, will speak about his favorite subject, honey bee morphometrics. His talk will feature microscopic images of honey bees. At the June meeting, the Gainesville Area Bee Club

Looking for Nucs?

Ricardo has about 10 nucs available for $140 each:  You get 5 frames of brood, (or 4 frames plus a honey frame), a queen, and you get to keep the “nice” nuc box complete with migratory cover and screened bottom board.  You can also get other combinations upon request.  If

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